Undertaking B2B marketing without knowing the people you’re marketing to is like putting a blindfold on before throwing darts.
Read MoreUndertaking B2B marketing without knowing the people you’re marketing to is like putting a blindfold on before throwing darts.
Read MoreTopics: strategy, customer engagement, customer personas
For many business owners, social media is a double-edged sword. They understand they should be embracing it but aren’t altogether convinced it’s actually effective.
Topics: marketing automation, customer engagement, messaging, social media
Often when I am out speaking about marketing automation, people will ask me, “If email is still a big part of engaging prospects, why can’t I just keep using MailChimp?”
Topics: marketing automation, sales and marketing alignment, customer engagement, email marketing
Often when I'm explaining to people what One Red Bird does, I talk about marketing automation technology.
Topics: leads, marketing automation, sales and marketing alignment, customer engagement, sales funnel
Inbound marketing is getting a lot of hype these days, and too often the “next big thing” is all sizzle and no steak.
Topics: b2b, leads, content, marketing, strategy, lead nurturing, customer loyalty, marketing content, customer engagement, social media, inbound marketing, sales, SEO
I am reviewing some buyer personas with a client later this week and so I thought it would be a good opportunity for a persona blog post.
Topics: b2b, content, marketing, buyer persona, customer engagement
When you ask your marketing agency to help you out with your website or a promotion - do they ask you why you need help or do they go to work getting the details for a quote?
Topics: strategy, marketing content, customer engagement
As a marketing strategist I refer to the Customer Lifecycle fairly frequently. Most of the time clients have no idea what I am talking about and give the look. You know the look - it's the slightly quizzical mostly bemused look that says "whatever you say marketing geek'.
Topics: content, customer engagement
I recently met with a business owner for drinks. Inevitably the conversation turned to his business and his lead generation and marketing efforts. He clearly understood his customers and was puzzled why none of his efforts seemed to be working.
Topics: b2b, customer engagement, messaging
The One Red Bird blog aims to be varied, educational and above all else enteraining. We cover B2B marketing, technology, and whatever else grabs our attention.