For many business owners, social media is a double-edged sword. They understand they should be embracing it but aren’t altogether convinced it’s actually effective.
For many business owners, social media is a double-edged sword. They understand they should be embracing it but aren’t altogether convinced it’s actually effective.
Topics: marketing automation, customer engagement, messaging, social media
In "I am worried about the economy. Should I cut back my marketing?" we recommend B2B marketers face economic uncertainty by focusing on lead generation and revenue creation. Here are 5 ideas about how you can do it.
Topics: b2b, content, marketing, marketing content, messaging, social media
Anyone who has ever spent time trying to craft snappy marketing messages for B2B products/services can tell you it isn’t easy. Sometimes a question as simple as “What is product x?” can cause no end to trouble for the marketing team. Often a great place to start is to look at the stories being told by the sales team or executives when they meet with prospects, investors or even new hires.
Topics: b2b, tips, strategy, marketing content, messaging
I recently met with a business owner for drinks. Inevitably the conversation turned to his business and his lead generation and marketing efforts. He clearly understood his customers and was puzzled why none of his efforts seemed to be working.
Topics: b2b, customer engagement, messaging
The One Red Bird blog aims to be varied, educational and above all else enteraining. We cover B2B marketing, technology, and whatever else grabs our attention.