Defining a lead might sound like a simple task, but it can drive people crazy.
Defining a lead might sound like a simple task, but it can drive people crazy.
Topics: leads, lead nurturing, sales and marketing alignment, lead generation, lead scoring
Often when I'm explaining to people what One Red Bird does, I talk about marketing automation technology.
Topics: leads, marketing automation, sales and marketing alignment, customer engagement, sales funnel
Lead nurturing is the part of inbound marketing that takes leads from the top of the sales funnel and flows them through to sales.
Topics: leads, lead nurturing, sales and marketing alignment
At the heart of inbound marketing is lead generation. But what exactly is a lead? Ask 10 different people and they’ll all say, “Sure, I know what a lead is.” But then you’ll likely get 10 different definitions, all of which fail to recognize that there is actually more than one kind of lead.
Topics: b2b, leads, marketing automation
Inbound marketing is getting a lot of hype these days, and too often the “next big thing” is all sizzle and no steak.
Topics: b2b, leads, content, marketing, strategy, lead nurturing, customer loyalty, marketing content, customer engagement, social media, inbound marketing, sales, SEO
Marketing automation has made it easy to set and up and deploy lead nurturing campaigns. Simplicity however doesn’t mean success. With this in mind, here are seven tips to consider to get the most out of your lead nurturing.
Topics: b2b, leads, marketing automation, lead nurturing
Topics: b2b, leads, email marketing
The One Red Bird blog aims to be varied, educational and above all else enteraining. We cover B2B marketing, technology, and whatever else grabs our attention.